Salam kawan²
Mimi nk kongsi perasaan takut + gemuruh + dll
Final exam da pon berakhir dan sekarang .
CUTI horayyyyyy!
Ta de la horay sgt sebab bulan 7 ni .
Mimi kena g praktikal! eeisss ta suke³
Yang ta best nye sebab dpt audit firm d KEPONG .
OmG for me its far enough!
At first mmg excited sgt!
Agy² dpt nan BFF, Miza.
Tapi agak sedih cuz kena tinggalkan semua.
Mmg dulu time tension, ase nak lari umah .
And whatsoever tp skg bile peluang da ade .
Aty ase berat sgt. *not cuz of BF oke*
Mak, abah dan segalanya.
Blek ku syurga ku!
Praktikal selama 4 bulan .
Im not sure yet whether im goin there or not .
In progress to find other firm nearby .
But if there are no choice here .
I really have to go there!
p/s : still workin on to find others firm.
anyone who read this post.
if u guys have any idea where shud i go.
i feel free to listen :)

Salam semua :)
Ame juge mimi ta update blog.
Sgt bz dgn FINAL EXAM !!
Ary ni 2.6.11 (khamis) no paper.
Ade agy 4 paper :)
Next week adalah last week berada di MCS College.
Cuz next sem we all praktikal !
Title mimi ary ni `nightmare`(ce cite ce cite)
Smlm jam 5.30pm pas jwp exam.
Mimi n the geng cm bese lpk FC cuz lapar.
Borak² pastu BFF mimi [miza] tny soalan.
Soalan berbunyi begini...
Mmg terkejut beruk comel mimi!!!
Mesti la mimi sedih n cannot accept that fact! :(
Then back home,ta fkr pon psl soalan BFF tu.SUMPAH
Tibe² pagi td leh terjaga cuz had a nightmare!
Relate to my BFF question! argghhhhhh!!!
Horrible sgt!
In that dream,BF mimi ckp he had some1 else!
He decide to dumped me!
Siap tunjuk gbr new GF kat mimi!
Tpt kejadian dlm kete.
I cant forget that moment ~
What a nightmare right?
Sedih sgt cuz ta expect BF mimi wat cm tuh.
Then i woke up sadly ~
Mimi terus text BF mimi psl that dream!
He replied `itu hanya mimpi, abg ade bby sorg je`

End of the Story