Seorang gadis yg sgt chantek paras rupe, indah budi bahasa kot..
Tp kenapa nk kne display others FB at blog anda?
Da ta de cter lain nk post..
Purpose, nk memalukan org la rite?
hello~ kau taw cter ke ta taw,,
better you ask ur beloved boyfie more info la beb,,
aku kacau dye tak? ta penah la weyh!
yg pelik ni si lelaki pon leh berbangga lak nan gf dye yg ade girl minat dye..
adess,,so pathethic!
minat tgk muke kau je la beb,,ta sangke pangai kau cmni..
dulu dgn sekarang lain kan..
so what is the big deal?
aku minat LELAKI ni pon before kau couple dgn dye laaaaa...
yg kau nk kecoh kenape..
mule2 kau canang at Fb,,now Blogger! mmg best eyh kau!
kau keep je la boyfie kau tuh bebaik..
weyhh aku sedar kot aku sape,ta cun ta howt cm kau ! so what ?!
kenape perlu nk memalukan aku?
mmg kau ta mentioned nme aku tp kau da display FB aku at blog kau!
thats really bad..really² bad..
ta sangke gak cmni pangai kau ye gadis SiMateBiru..
Salam.. hehe ary ni ary selasa bersamaan 29 March 2011,,
ade benda nk cite!!
Cer citer cer citer !! hahahha
Aku ni org Banting taw pure selangor ~ so what !
what is the problem ????
pelik la dgn mrk yg suke kutuk banting ni taw...
sgt² pelik !!
knp mse you all first dtg sini,
you all ta fikir awal² knp pilih banting to further study..
eeeee tlg la fhmmm grrrrrr...
manyak agy kolej swasta lain..
Nilai? mcm agy kan?
pegi la ! knp nk msk MCS then korg kutuk lak..
weyhhh mature la cket..
ta bersyukur lgsg ?
mcm la korg msk kolej lain korg leh adapt environment kat sane?
mampu ke? dr segi kewangan n pelajaran?
klw mampu, go ahead..
nk belajar at tpt vogue2 pegilah..
ta larang pon la weyh...
aslkan korg happy k.................
aku da cukup bersyukur..
terima MCS seadanya :)TheEnd
Ada la kan seorang hamba Allah yg namenye dirahsiekan...
Salah seorang ees' abah sy,,nk djadikan cter..
Td ni haa dye call tah tibe2 lak..
So sy angkat je la,,lame gak ta borak2 an dye..
Mule² mmg cter okeyy best, time tgh2 aty sy start panas..
Bole lak dye duk kutuk2 abah sy haaah ape agy panas aty la sy dgr an..
Buruk2 mn pon, he's still my father dn majikan dye..
Dye pon cm BODOH VAVI je kutuk2 lelaki yg mrupakan abah sy!
Benda kecik je , then smp nk kata yg sy ni susah kan abah sy..
heyyy dye taw ape ! he knows nothing !
MMG VAVI ! Ini la pekerja tempatan klw ta puas aty dgn majikan,,
abs sekampung nk dicanang nye cter psl majikan..
Hello klw la awk tu keje bgs sgt2, majikan will not treat u like this la..
Mmg org keje utk gaji tp pd mse yg sme,,
kte as ees' kne la bantu majikan kte utk dpt job,,
bantu majikan utk raih pendapatan yg lebih..Am i rite ?
Pandai cakap je ! Seyesly pd mrk yg ta fhm situasi orglen so better jgn ckp okeyy..
Cermin diri dulu..
Seyesly, sy sgt2 hampa dgn dye..
Ta patut ckp cm tuh okeyy..
Cian abah sy..
Kau ta de HAK okeyy !
Sedar diri cket..
Sgt2 kecewa dgn pekerja2 abah sy..
p/s : jika sy ade dwet berjutajuta lemon, sy bantu abah & mak sy larh ! tak harap ees' cm kau ! So So Pathetic !!
ta sangke cepat mse berlalu..
da 2 minggu aku break nan dye..
mmg last 2 weeks horrible sgt² ..
luckily im still alive till today haha..
mse pegi Gunung Ledang 2D1N ary tuh, aku lgsg ta ingat dye..
so ase cm best la.. sepupu2 makcik2 pakcik2 mmg gempak..
actually penat tp seronok..
made me forget even for a while~
aku dpt ase la yg ary ni aku cm leh let go memories tu...
insyaAllah.. bak kata kwn aku "bkn suruh lupe, tp kena terima"
aku in progress utk time sume ini..
hrp2 sgt2 aku dberi kekuatan tambahan utk lalui nye...
skg life aku blh dkatakan happy la~ (boleh la)
cuz ade MEREKA yg selalu teman aku mct supaya aku ta lonely..
seyesly without them, payah gak la aku nk accept sume ni..
so terima kasih sgt2...
even skg ni one of them tgh touching dgn aku..
aku juz nk kwn tp dye nk lebeh,,
aku ta nk cpl dgn sape2 termasuk dye (*exclude Edward Cullen hihi) tp at the same time, i need him ... aku perlu dye , aku ta nk dye tgl aku..
selfish ka aku ??
so skg dye tgh lyn perasaan marah dye at aku..
better aku diam je kowt..kan?
tahla... life is really complicated..
complicated caner pon aku tetap ade pict bwu hihihi..

Ya Allah, berikan aku kekuatan untuk melupakan hamba Allah yg telah mlukakan aty ku ini..AMIN..
Dengan lafas bismillah..
sy lepaskn awak pergi dgn rela hati..
mungkin skrg nih awak bukan tercipta utk saya..
mungkin 1 hari nnti awak tercipta utk saya..
sume nih dugaan dari-NYA...
saya kena sabar menerima nih..
walaupn pahit..kena telan gak..
ada hikmah di sebalik perpisahan ini..
mybe nih mase sy utk sy perbaiki kelemahan saya..
utk sy jadi yg terbaik di masa hadapan..
sy hanya mmpu berserah...
Allah tahu mane yg terbaik utk sy..
ada hadiah yg menanti di masa hadapan..
mungkin itu adalah awak..atau org lain..
sy akn jaga diri sy elok2..
takkan mudah terpedaya cakap lelaki..
janji2 yg tercipta dgn kata2 yg xkn kekal selamanya..
Once in awhile
You are in my dreams
I can feel the warmth of your embrace
And I pray that it will all come back to me
If only you knew every moment in time
Nothing goes on in my heart
Just like your memories
And how I want here to be with you
Once more
You will always be inside my heart
And you should know
How I wish I could have never let you go
Come into my life again
Please don't say no
Now and forever you are still the one
In my heart
So true, I believe I could never find
Somebody like you
My first love

im so so so freaking jealous !!
why should i felt this way ?
am i normal ?
people keep saying that life is like a ball..
up and down..
but why im owez feelin down every second !!! why !!
i didnt ask too much . just a long after happiness :)
they didnt understand what am i feeling rite now..?
they refers to people around me..
im not asked to be this way..
i just cant pretend that im okey.
in reality im still not oke,,
i still cant forget our memories.
there's too much..
everything happens around me , remind me of HIM..
why cant i simply forget the memories..
i have to be strong,,but im not strong enough..
im suffered like HELLLLLLLLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p/s : i dun love you like i did yesterday
I remember those simple things
I remember till i cried
But the one thing i wish i'd forget
The memory i wanna forget

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through
The day and make it ok
I miss you
I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do reminds me of you
And all I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I'd do, I'd give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me..
I Miss You
if you love something let it go..
if it comes back to you, its yours..
if it doesnt, it never was...
Saat kau pergi
Berlinanglah air mataku
Betapa cinta ku rasakan
Kebahagiaan itu kini lenyap..
Tak pernah ku inginkan perpisahan ini terjadi
Ku hanya bisa merelakan
Jika memang kau fikir inilah yang terbaik..
Tak perlu kau beri alasan
Mengapa kau ingin pergi meninggalkan diriku
Kerana ku yakin mungkin semuanya itu bisa
Membuatmu bahagia..
Sepenuhnya ku menyedari
Bhw cinta itu tak semestinya dimiliki
Namun ku akan terus selalu menyayangimu
Setulusnya hati..

saya tak sangka yg awk boleh ucap kata2 itu pada saya..
sampai hati awk..
im miserable..

Date : 28 Feb 2011 (isnin)
Time :2.30 pm
Venue : Speedmart 99
Si E ni callin2 aku dr ary ahad..
tah knp ! mcm yg penah aku katakan..
bile aku wat bodoh je..
dye lak yg thegeh2 cl2 n mct2 aku !
ary isnin lepas ni la..
aku cian sgt.. so aku angkat cl dye n aku reply mct2 dye..
then we meet up !
yg bangang sgt, dye ade wat something yg bodoh bangang sial..
sengaja menakut2kan aku..
frankly speaking, aku mmg takuttttt grrrrr....
blablabla.. (ta leh nk ckp...)
Mmg mule2 aku minat at dye ni..
tp after that day,,aku benci benci benci sanad2 at dye..
E !! u go to hell oke !!
Aku suke kau tp kau bangang sanad..
and now, leave me alone !!
aku pon da ta hingin kacau kau agy oke !!!
blah kau!
im so so so pisseddd offffff !!!! grrrrrr bodoh pny jantan !
p/s : be careful with guys that have an innocent appearances !!!!